Title : “Dreamers” or “Nightmares”?
link : “Dreamers” or “Nightmares”?
“Dreamers” or “Nightmares”?
By Nicholas StixSomeone near and dear to me, who shall remain nameless, just gave Howie Carr credit for referring to illegal aliens who allegedly were brought here as kids by their parents as “nightmares,” and linked to his January 14, 2018 column.
This latest controversy erupted during negotiations over the Democrats’ insane scheme to protect 800,000 illegal-immigrant criminals they call “Dreamers.” Their dream, our nightmare.And that was only implicit, on Carr’s side.
On September 10, 2017, I made the usage explicit, in a headline:
”Yet Another Good Reason to Send DACA Nightmares Back, from Whence They Came: Tokyo Rose, aka Sen. John McCain, Says It Would be ‘Unconscionable’ to Do so.”
However, I’m willing to bet that someone else used “nightmares” in that fashion earlier, simply because it’s a natural.
Thus Article “Dreamers” or “Nightmares”?
That's an article “Dreamers” or “Nightmares”? This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.
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